My brother was up with his family for Easter. While they were up, they introduced us to an interesting acronym that we have since adopted in our family: SHAS.
You might not have heard of this acronym before. It has nothing to do with the orthodox Jewish political party, nor the Scottish Housing Advisory Service. Instead, it has the power to turn Munchkin from this:
to this in less than two minutes:
Or to turn Munchkenna from this:
to this in the same amount of time:
Does this look familiar to you? If so, SHAS might have struck you or one of your loved ones.
SHAS stands for Sudden Hunger Anger Syndrome. It can wreak havoc on families, turning the most amicable children and adults into wrathful monsters who lash out at everything near them.
My brother claims that it is carried through the genes of Swedes. While this has not been proven through the recent research on the human genome, we have found it to be true with our children. Since my wife's family is Swedish, and my sister-in-law's family is Swedish, I guess our kids all inherited the SHAS gene.
Munchkin has been very grumpy when she wakes up each morning recently. I blame SHAS.
She has also been full of harumphs and sarcastic sighs right before dinner. I blame SHAS.
Munchkenna just yells when the food isn't coming fast enough. SHAS again.
Please don't let SHAS effect you or someone you love. It can easily ruin your life, and many see miraculous improvements after ingesting a banana, cheese stick, granola bar, or even a five course meal.
For the sake of your Swedish friends who might be adversely affected by this debilitating condition, please keep a little food handy. I know we do.
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