Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Get Writing Yourself!

So, since I have attempted to get some people to write with me during November in lieu of participating in NaNoWriMo, I am finding it quite hard to get writing myself. At work, I spend all day in front of a computer editing and typing text. When I get home, I have marvelous Munchkin and wonderful Wifey to keep me occupied. I try to sneak some blogging in before I go to bed, but beyond that, I don't really care to write.

I am using this work week so far as a scapegoat. I have had one of the busiest weeks I can remember, as well as one of the more stressful ones at work. I have projects that aren't getting done on time, computer systems that aren't cooperating (making deadlines seem even more out of reach), and more items waiting in the wings for when I get these ones done. All in all, I have had to decompress quite a bit on the drive home so that I don't let my frustration affect Wifey and Munchkin.

So far, so good.

And today helped out a bit. I was able to take a walk during lunch while the weather was wonderful. It has been unseasonably warm here, the sun was shining, the leaves were falling, and there was a gentle breeze. It felt like a nice spring day with a hint of the bite of autumn. It was enough to make me not want to go back inside and work, but I did anyway.

But back to writing. I have about three paragraphs so far. I have already reworked a few of them. I can watch the video in my head, but at this point am getting too caught up in creating good prose to get the story fleshed out. After taking multiple courses in writing, I realize that this isn't the way to go—there is always time for revision later. But I still find myself wanting to write a first draft that is the final draft. You would think that I would know better by now, but I don't.

I take that back. I do know better. I just have a hard time remembering that while I am in the thick of things.

Now I need to figure out what I want my characters to say. They are still a bit nebulous at this point. I have some defining moments mapped out in my brain as well, but I don't know my characters enough yet to know how they might react to such situations. I want to spend time with these individuals, but need to make room for it in my thinking time.

So I am off to go drafting again. I can capture at least this snippet of a character's life. It will probably be cliche and trite, but at least I am writing.

How are things going for everyone else? Updates help to motivate me.


Lana said...

I started a blog!!!! Elise is excited about being tagged. She was a bit frustrated at first but we talked about ideas while walking to school one day and she spent part of the evening typing and typing! Thanks for the inspiration.

Johnny said...

I have subscribed on my Google Reader. Keep up the posting. Depending on if you want to draw traffic or not, I might be able to give you a few pointers on things to have people stop by.

I'm glad to hear that Elise is excited. I was excited to have something to write about, and I am interested to find out what other people think. If Elise wants to tag me back wit an idea after we are done with this one, I'm game. :)

Lana said...

I would like more traffic - what are some of your tips?