Thursday, October 28, 2010

And We Were Dancing

I might be slightly influenced from the Madeline L'Engle series (see the last post as well), A Wrinkle in Time, but I am really looking for ways to be more connected with everything around me. Today I had a fun connection.

Today I ended up taking part in a dance festival on my lunch break. I didn't expect it, but it was just one of those things that spontaneously happens. After a particularly busy morning, I decided I needed a midday meander. As I peeked out the window, the sky was a bit overcast, and the wind was whipping the trees around. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go for a walk, but needed to get away, so I decided to brave the weather.

As I got outside, the clouds parted. With the sun on my back and my iPod plugged into my ears, I started to walk. The wind began to blow, and the dance began.

All the leaves that have been falling from the trees for the past few days litter the parking lot. Because the wind came, they started to stir. The wind was outlined by the leaves lilting across the parking lot. They swirled, swished, spun, pattered, and pranced around my feet. Had I had the opportunity to be alone, I probably would have thrown my hands behind me and swirled right along with them with my face extended toward the sun. Since there were people driving their cars out to go get lunch or run an afternoon errand, I refrained. But my physical restraint didn't stop my eyes from enjoying the waves of leaves lapping at my toes.

If you happen to find a leaf beach, please let me know, because I would love to go walk through one with my toes bared to the beach.


Lana said...

That paints a nice picture in my mind. I enjoyed the words you used to describe the movement of the leaves. When Mark read the Wrinkle in Time series he thought the older sister reminded him of me and the smart little brother reminded him of you. I'd forgotten about that. A great series!

Kaylene said...

When you said "participated in a dance festival" I was prepping myself to hear about some interpretive office dancing. Darn!